Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Kateřina Zochová / Reverberation (Exhibition Text)


The first time I saw and listened to Kateřina was at Fotograf Gallery, where she defended her degree thesis entitled “To Lose Something Every Day”. I was immediately impressed by the way her ethereal vocal delivery virtually permeated the exhibition space, piercing through the works on display eventually to evaporate back into the void, enshrouding us in a peculiar atmosphere. This impression has stayed with me since then, determining my relation to Kateřina’s output at large. One of the key motifs present in those exhibits was the element of “missing, in the sense of structuring a story with the use of gaps between the individual fragments of meaning in a pictorial arrangement,” as Kateřina herself described it, with the aim of applying this principle to all the media – i.e., animation, photography, and audio – with which she worked during her studies at the Prague Academy. The exhibition called Reverberation, which we have mounted together as part of the project Start up, links up loosely, in dialogue style, with her graduation thesis work. This comes quite organically, the latter being still a fault recent experience which has left some of its driving mechanisms continually vibrant. The new works relate to a recent output of collages which remind me of mornings bringing back to our minds fragments of dreams which, however, we are unable to recollect in their entirety. At the same time though, they can also serve as vehicles of reminiscence as they tend to provoke us obliquely to try and reconstruct, at least partially, their contents. At the same time, Kateřina engages in playing her own game with us so we can never be sure whether the story of a particular work is actually a modeled dream or rather our own flashback, or else her skill at implanting into our minds a particular idea.

The current show has its keynote, in terms of an impulse for further development, in the presence of a digital photograph tampered with by means of black cutouts, inspired by a picture postcard featuring the portrait of a girl by Spanish Symbolist painter Julio Romero de Torres, found by chance in a secondhand bookshop. Gifted by a magnifying-glass eyesight, Kateřina has felt a manifest affinity for detail, and so she readily spotted in the picture a motif identical with one she herself had employed earlier on, in her final thesis work: namely, that of a surreptitious hand gesture, which she then developed further in photographic and drawing collages.

Kateřina Zochová (b. In Kadaň, 1986) recently graduated from the Painting Studio II headed by Vladimír Skrepl at the Academy of Fine Art in Prague.

Text by Monika Čejková


The exhibition called Reverberation by Kateřina Zochová is a part of the fifth edition of the project Start up. The format of the series of exhibition grouped under the collective title Start up is a contribution rendered by Prague City Gallery towards the process of charting the creative output of the youngest generation active on czech art scene.
The fifth edition of the project Start up will introduce works by five up-and-coming young artists, along with information about the studios where they have studied. The individual shows will be accompanied by a number of supplementary programmes supervised by the participating artists and/or their teachers, a video shown at the exhibition, and a 16-page magazine FILES in the limited edition of 200 pieces.

Monika Čejková, Adam Štěch
Full exhibition
12/9 – 9/11 2014, Prague City Gallery, Prague – Czech Rep.

Michal Drozen / Start up End down  (Exhibition Text) has honoured the video made for Alone in Babylon exhibition