Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.
Anežka Hošková, Jakub Hošek, Nik Timková Superimpositions 01.04–31.05. 2015, Prague City Gallery, Prague
Curator: Monika Čejková
Photos: Tomáš Souček
Anežka Hošková, Jakub Hošek, Nik Timková are significant drivers of local visual culture and they stand out in the local community of artists. They widely share their concept of the aesthetics and the mix of subcultures, in which they are interested, with the other people on social networks, in their production and at music events. In recent years the artists have expanded their existing manifestos by the post-Internet aesthetics. They have begun to project mechanisms and simple imagination known from the computer environment and the web, as can be seen in Intervention 3 of Superimpositions at the Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace where they have prepared a series of disparate objects presenting the current stage of artistic development of each of them. At the same time they have not lost anything from their playfulness and irony, which make them different from the ubiquitous contemplative, serious and sophisticated approach to art.